You play as a random guy (or gal, though you don’t want to because this is the set in times where woman’s place in society is somewhere between horses and furniture) as they attempt to make a living in this incredibly unstable world. The Mount and Blade series, if you are unaware, is about being plopped into a balkinized medieval country where various factions wage war against each other for petty swaths of land and the right to raid a few border villages. Once the mod is downloaded, vanilla Mount and Blade: Warband will still be able to run without any problems. It’s not part of the Mount and Blade canon and only requires a PC copy of Mount and Blade: Warband and the mod files (which are available online for free) to work. It uses assets from that game as well as new ones the developers made. Prophesy of Pendor is a total conversion mod for Mount and Blade: Warband. I actually believe that this mod has more entertainment value than the game its based off of and considering its based off Mount and Blade Warband that isn’t easy to do! So as we wait for Banner Lord to finally be release (which should be around the time I pay off my mortgage… on my ice castle… in hell) why don’t we enjoy ourselves with some Prophesy of Pendor? So I downloaded it off the Nexus and it proceeded to blow my mind. I recently caught wind of a total conversion mod for Warband (the most recent installment of the series, provided you discount With Fire and Sword, which most people do) called Prophesy of Pendor. Jon Benjamin’s voice, Rasputin’s physiology (look it up), and more Mount and Blade. Things like the Walton family’s wealth, H. There are things on this planet that I would kill people – respectable, honest people – for.

People, I’m not above any sort of temptation. Disclaimer: Before we get started I would like to thank youtuber and mod author Someguy2000 for his excellent mods, and his hilarious Let’s Play of Prophesy of Pendor, which introduced me to the mod.